Tag Archives: restaurants

Don’t Let Vermin Run Your Customers Away

While a few customers may shrug at the sight of cockroaches, mice, or other vermin and decide that having pests around is typical for establishments that serve food, you had better believe that a number of customers won’t be pleased at all. And they will tell their family and friends. Not only will they tell people in person, they may also get online and visit a ratings site to let even more people know there. And while camera phone technology is great when customers upload photos of a great meal, it will seem less so should they photograph vermin and indicate that the picture was taken in your establishment.  The boom in social media means that everyone is, in a way, a reporter.

In our area, customers have a lot of options and are not bound to stick with any one establishment. They have so many options, in fact, that the smallest bit of unpleasantness (like a cockroach, for instance) can discourage repeat business and encourage customers to warn others.

You can guard your reputation and the future of your business by turning to a NJ pest control firm like Stern Environmental Group to help you get rid of all types of vermin. Visit our website to see all of the pest control services we offer and do not hesitate to contact us.