Tag Archives: Rodent Removal

Brooklyn Is The Worst Borough For Rat Sightings: What the Maps Tell Us About Rat Infestations

Which Cities are Bed Bug Hotspots?
Which Cities are Bed Bug Hotspots?

Most people are familiar with the fact that those who live in New York City are frequently dealing with rat problems. But unless you live there, or have spent a significant amount of time there, you don’t really understand the scope of the issue. NYC rat control is a serious problem, but just how bad is it, really?

Rat Sightings in New York City

Between January 2010 and September 2017, there were 101,914 rat sightings that were reported. That phrase, that were reported, is key because so many of them go unreported to the city. Therefore, we can conclude that there were actually many more sightings that occurred. What’s even worse is that between these two time periods, there was an increase of 63%. That’s a lot!

On top of that, most of the rat sightings occurred in buildings that housed three or more families. Commercial buildings are not as common for rat infestations, which comes as quite a surprise.

Brooklyn – A Rat’s Safe Haven

According to the latest heat map visualization, Brooklyn is where rats are most often found. But that doesn’t mean the rest of the city is immune to them. They are plentiful, and found just about everywhere.

NYC Rat Control 

The good news is your NYC rat control professionals are on the job. If you have a rat problem, contact us. We have highly effective pest control solutions.

What Squirrels Are Found in New Jersey and New York?

Get to Know your Local Squirrel Species.
Get to Know your Local Squirrel Species.

Squirrels are well-known creatures throughout the United States; just look out your window and chances are you’ll see one, two, or more, frolicking in the trees or burying acorns.

There are quite a few squirrel species and some parts of the U.S. see the same types while others may see a different species.

New Jersey Squirrels

New Jersey squirrels sound like the name of a sports team, which would fit these energetic and agile creatures of the wild. In New Jersey, there are several of these species, which include the gray squirrel, red squirrel, southern flying squirrel, and northern flying squirrel.

New York Squirrels

New York residents have their own squirrel population that is similar to New Jersey. The red, gray, and flying squirrels are common as well as the fox squirrel.

Squirrel Habits

While watching squirrels can be entertaining, it’s sometimes necessary to have NJ and NY squirrel removal services visit your property. The reason is squirrels are notorious for chewing and their appetite includes pretty much anything.

They especially like attics where they can get warm, make a nest, and have their babies, which can lead to messes, noise, and the pittering pattering of little feet across the ceiling during the night.

At Stern, we’re experts at NJ and NY squirrel removal. We’re fast and provide humane squirrel trapping. When you need NJ and NY squirrel removal assistance, just give us a call.

You Think You Have Squirrels in Your Attic, What Do You Do First?

Make Sure Squirrels Don't Bite You!
Make Sure Squirrels Don’t Bite You!

Squirrels are opportunists when it comes to finding warm, dry, and cozy locations to make their nests. Even the smallest opening isn’t a problem for creative squirrels looking for accommodations inside your home.

Access to Your Home

There are several ways squirrels can enter your home to set up housekeeping. One popular area is the attic. Another is crawl spaces, and a third is inside the soffits.

Avoiding a Squirrel Infestation

A few tips to help avoid a squirrel community inside your residence includes the following:

– Do a visual inspection of the outside of your home searching for any holes, cracks, or crevices squirrels may enter.

– Check for broken soffits. Squirrels are adept acrobats and squeezing into a soffit is easy.

– If crawl spaces aren’t secure, meaning there’s no barrier to keep critters out, be creative with covering the hole that allows access to you but not to wildlife.

– An area that is already damaged is another easy entry point as the squirrels will chew their way inside.

NJ squirrel removal is not something you want to handle on your own. While there are traps and baits available to capture and remove squirrels to another location, it’s best to let our experts at Stern Environmental Group handle the issue safely.

Contact us today for an inspection. Our NJ squirrel removal goal is fast and efficient service, a focus on customer satisfaction, and a squirrel-free environment.