Tag Archives: Squirrel Damages

Squirrel Facts You Did Not Know

Squirrel Facts You Did Not Know
Squirrel Facts You Did Not Know

The eastern gray squirrel is a common sight in NJ when you’re outdoors. However, these animals could end up inside your attic or other indoor areas to escape the cold, which means it’s time for NJ pest animal control. While you might be familiar with squirrels, here are some facts that you might not know.

Invasive Squirrels

Eastern gray squirrels are considered an invasive species in the US. In fact, they’ve displaced the native red squirrel in some parts of the region. They’re native to the eastern US and the midwestern US, although they’ve spread to the western regions.

Color Variations

Most gray squirrels are gray, although they can be brown. In urban areas, some of these squirrels end up with white or black fur coloring due to the low risk of predators.

Spatial Memory

Eastern gray squirrels hoard food in numerous locations. They have excellent spatial memory that helps them remember where all of their food caches are.


Squirrels usually feed on seeds, berries, nuts and similar items. However, they’re also known to prey on frogs, birds and other animals. They also gnaw on antlers and bones for minerals.


Eastern gray squirrels use tail movements, facial expressions and vocalizations to communicate. They even make a purring noise when interacting with their young.

If you have a squirrel problem, contact Stern Environmental for NJ pest animal control.

Could I Really Have Squirrels in My Attic?

The Squirrels Are In My Attic
The Squirrels Are In My Attic

You hear the pitter patter of little feet running across the ceiling of your property and wonder what four-legged critter has managed to find its way into your attic. The answer is most likely squirrels.

While cute, playful, and great at putting on aerial shows, when squirrels invade your attic it’s usually for two reasons. One is to get away from cold weather in the cozy warmth of the attic. The other is when a female wants to make a protected nest for her young.

In either situation, the squirrels will make food and water runs throughout the day and return to their attic home for the evening. When you’ve determined squirrels have moved into your attic, it’s important to find their point of entry. Removing the squirrels is necessary but unless you address where they’re entering, the opening will serve as a swinging door for more squirrels.

Removing squirrels on your own is not recommended. You need the professional services of NJ squirrel control technicians who know how to remove the squirrels without harm.

Keep your home snug as a bug and without the unwanted antics and potential damage of squirrels setting homestead in your attic. With one call to Stern Environment Group, our NJ squirrel control specialists will give the squirrels the old heave ho safely. Call us today and be squirrel-free tomorrow and enjoy a good night’s sleep without all the clatter.

The Squirrel Experts

The Squirrel Experts
The Squirrel Experts

Squirrels may appear to be simple creatures living a rather uneventful existence. However, they are highly active animals that can create a massive amount of destruction in a short matter of time. From overrunning bird-feeders to causing major power outages, these tenacious rodents are a pest to be taken seriously.

Squirrels in your attic

Hundreds, possibly thousands, of homes are destroyed each year by fires caused by squirrels chewing through electrical wires in the attics. The gray squirrels typically find their way inside homes from September to May. As many as ten male squirrels may occupy a single attic. They will huddle together for warmth during the winter and will destroy anything they can sink their teeth into. Because their teeth continue growing throughout their entire lives, they are constantly chewing to keep them trimmed. If they are in your attic, they are destroying your home.

Other damage

To get inside, squirrels will chew through fascia boards, gable vents, ridge vents, and even shingles. Many homeowners don’t realize the damage is done until rain causes noticeable water damage. In addition to soiling drywall and insulation by urinating and defecating, squirrels will rip apart insulation to build their nest, leaving it useless for deterring heat loss.

The squirrel experts at Stern Environmental Group provide full service inspection, eradication, and minor repairs to keep squirrel problems from coming back. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.