Tag Archives: Squirrels

When do Squirrels Have Babies in New Jersey?

When do Squirrels Have Babies?
When do Squirrels Have Babies?

Grey squirrels are cute and their babies are even cuter. That doesn’t mean you want them as house guests. Here are some helpful facts about the breeding habits and behavior of grey squirrels, a frequent target of NJ pest control.

When Do Squirrels Breed?

You may sometimes hear grey squirrels referred to as cat or migratory squirrels. This species, commonly found in New Jersey and the eastern United States, usually lives in forests and other natural outdoor areas. Since grey squirrels have little fear of humans, it’s not unusual to see them in urban areas as well.

Grey squirrels breed from December to February and again from May to June. While female squirrels can’t breed until they’re at least a year old, males are extremely active during these periods. Breeding squirrels may even engage in mating dances.

Birth and Lifespan

During the 44-day gestation period, pregnant squirrels may become more aggressive.  Litters generally produce two to six squirrels, although there can be as many as eight babies. According to the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, grey squirrels have an average lifespan of 1 to 2 years, but wild grey squirrels can live up to 10 years.

NJ Pest Control for All Creatures Great and Small

Are bed bugs, mice, squirrels or other creatures making themselves welcome at your home? Contact Stern Environmental for information about our comprehensive and cost-effective NJ pest control services.

Penn State New Kensington – What to Know About Our Eastern Gray Squirrels

The Squirrels Are In My Attic

Are eastern gray squirrels taking over your yard? NJ squirrel removal specialists get quite a few calls this time of year to remove these pests. Are you inadvertently enticing them onto your property?

What You Need to Know About Eastern Gray Squirrels

• They’re everywhere. 

According to the eastern gray squirrel page on Penn State University’s Virtual Nature Trail website, this rodent frequents a variety of habitats including parks, forests, suburban and urban settings.

• They’re not really gray.

They’re a mix of black, white, and brown fur blended together. Whitish tips on the ends of fur create the illusion of gray coloring. Varying in hue, each rapidly expanding squirrel family can be lighter/darker by nature.

• A predictable abundance of food.

Squirrels require the caloric load of the nuts of trees such as oaks, beeches, hickories, and the like for breeding and to survive the winter. Grounds with these trees are the ideal foraging places for overwintering squirrels. In other seasons, squirrels also enjoy feasting on plant shoots, tree flowers/buds, mushrooms, and caterpillars.

• They may draw other pests to your yard.

Though hawks and owls are most apt to target gray squirrels for food, they are also prey to snakes, skunks, raccoons, weasels, and foxes.

Are eastern gray squirrels invading your space? Prevent squirrel infestations with the help of the fast and humane NJ squirrel removal services of Stern Environmental today.

Telltale Signs of Squirrels in Your New Jersey Attic

Squirrels May Find It Easy to Chew Into Your Attic
Squirrels May Find It Easy to Chew Into Your Attic

You’re sitting quietly in your home and you hear noises coming from the attic. Maybe it’s a scratching sound or the light pitter-patter of feet skittering across the ceiling. If this is what you’re hearing, chances are it’s a squirrel taking up residence.

Signs that Squirrels are In-House

Squirrels that have found their way inside your home may stick around for a while. This is especially true during the cold winter months and when they need a safe place to bear their young.

What you may hear, most often, is scratching sounds emanating from the ceiling and sometimes from the walls if one has inadvertently gotten stuck. They’ve also been known to get stuck in chimneys. As mentioned, you may hear one or more squirrels skedaddling across the ceiling.

If you’re able to do a visual check of the attic, you may see signs of fecal matter. Other areas to visually check are exterior points of entry as squirrels are adept at chewing and there aren’t many materials that present a challenge, including metal. Look around the roof line, fascia boards, screens, even a roof’s shingles.

When you find signs of squirrels in the attic, the best course of action is contacting NJ pest control specialists. With NJ pest control experts on the job, squirrels can be removed safely and efficiently.

For expert and humane help with squirrel removal, contact the professionals at Stern Environmental.


Summer is Nesting Time for Squirrels – What to Know

Be Careful: Squirrels Will Eat Just About Anything!
Be Careful: Squirrels Will Eat Just About Anything!

Squirrels are one of the more entertaining creatures to watch as they make their way through the treetops leaping, jumping, and climbing their way along the branches. Their acrobatic techniques, fast-flying feet, agile paws, and inquisitive eyes just add to their personality and appeal.

Squirrel Nests

If you have tall trees in your yard, chances are, they have been the home of a squirrel’s nest. Squirrels have an affinity for choosing sturdy trees that provide plenty of coverage and security for their young.

One place you’ll find a squirrel nest is in a tree cavity den. These are usually created by woodpeckers for their young, or it may be a naturally hollowed out cavity. These enclosures provide optimum protection from the elements.

The second nesting place is found nestled in the fork of sturdy tree branches, which provide stability against the wind. These nests are constructed of leaves, moss, twigs, tree bark, grass and other materials the squirrels deem appropriate and are located high in the branches away from roving predators.

The squirrel weaves together the material creating a base then a framework or outer shell, which is then filled and lined with additional material.

Additional nests may be in nearby trees and are used as resting places, food storage hideaways, or hiding spots.

Stern Environmental provides efficient squirrel removal services when needed. Call today and a squirrel removal specialist will be on their way.

The Real Risk of Squirrels In Your Home – Disease, Smell, and Damage

Squirrels Can Cause Much Damage to Your Home.
Squirrels Can Cause Much Damage to Your Home.

No matter how much we enjoy watching the antics of squirrels running willy-nilly through the trees, the fact is, these clever cuties cause damage.

Health and Home

Health-wise, squirrels can pose a problem such as spreading ticks and fleas, salmonella, and Leptospirosis. Rabies is not a known issue with squirrels but it’s better to be safe than sorry and take precautions to keep squirrels out of your home, garage, or shed.

Because squirrels are usually heavily infested with fleas and ticks, if they set up housekeeping in your attic, for example, you can plan on dealing with a flea and tick infestation. If you have pets, an infestation in your home will have an adverse effect on them too. When an infestation occurs, you need a NJ squirrel removal specialist for the job.

Squirrels are adept at finding entrances into a home’s attic. This is a great place to get away from winter weather and to build a nest and have babies.

As the babies grow and become more mobile, they’ll begin to chew on whatever is available as well as make poop messes throughout the attic. These droppings are the cause of Leptospirosis and salmonella. Both pose a health risk: Leptospirosis causes flu-like symptoms and salmonella is defined as food poisoning.

If you need squirrels trapped and removed, contact Stern and we’ll send a trained NJ squirrel removal expert to handle the job. ?????