Tag Archives: Stinging Insects

It’s Fall – Time to Remove Yellow Jacket Hives and Wasp Nests

Mild Winters Are Causing Super Wasp Nests -- Get Them Removed Today!
Mild Winters Are Causing Super Wasp Nests — Get Them Removed Today!

Cooler weather is on its way, so this is the time that most people expect a decline in nuisance insects. However, yellow jackets are one exception to this rule. During the fall, these pests become more aggressive and much more likely to sting, making this the ideal time for the preemptive removal of yellow jacket nests.

Why Does Your NJ exterminator Recommend Fall Yellow Jacket Nest Removal?

At Stern Environmental, we recommend yellow jacket nest removal in the fall for a number of reasons.

• More Wasps

Yellow jacket nests are larger at the end of the summer/early fall.

• More Aggression

Wasps become more aggressive as food sources decline with cooler weather, often stinging without provocation.

• More Danger

Large numbers and increased aggression make fall a dangerous time for stings, particularly for allergic individuals, as yellow jackets can sting multiple times.

Nest in the Wall? Immediate Removal Prevents Wasps from Infiltrating Your Home

Nests in wall voids are difficult to remove. However, it’s highly recommended to remove these before it’s too late. Otherwise, large numbers of yellow jacket wasps could find their way into your home, delivering a nasty surprise.

Yellow jacket removal is not a DIY endeavor. Control yellow jackets safely with the help of your local NJ exterminator. Contact Stern Environmental to learn more about our professional wasp removal services today. 

Why Do Yellow Jacket Stings Hurt So Much?

What to Know About Hornet Attacks
What to Know About Yellow Jackets

Most people have been stung by a wasp at some point in their lifetime.  Why does it hurt so bad? The NJ yellow jacket control professionals at Stern Environmental are here to explain a little behind the science of a wasp’s wrath.

Wasps Sting When Threatened

A single wasp, such as a yellow jacket, can and will sting repeatedly. A cousin to ants and bees, who also live in large colonies, a wasp sting releases a pheromone. This alerts nearby wasps to join in on the stinging/defense party, pursuing you over long distances.

Wasp Venom Stimulates Pain Receptors

Bee and wasp venoms contain an acid called melittin, which stimulates pain receptors. Wasp venom also contains acetylcholine, another pain receptor stimulant. Releasing histamine into your bloodstream as they sting, this combination of chemicals causes burning, itching, and misery.

Ways to Banish the Burn

Applying an ice pack to wasp stings can help reduce the pain and swelling of yellow jacket stings. A paste of water and baking soda can help neutralize the acidic toxins. Sprinkling meat tenderizer, which contains the enzyme papain, can also break down proteins in the venom. Taking an antihistamine immediately after the sting can also help reduce swelling and itching. Known allergy? Always carry an Epi-Pen, and understand its proper usage.

Put your wasp control concerns on ice. Contact the NJ yellow jacket control experts at Stern Environmental today.

The Do’s and Don’ts of What to Do When In Vicinity of a Wasp

How to Deal With Living With Wasps as Neighbors
How to Deal With Living With Wasps as Neighbors

Surrounded by wasps in your yard? Don’t panic. There are ways to safeguard yourself and reduce the severity of a wasp attack. Learn the do’s and don’ts of dealing with wasps from the NJ pest control experts at Stern Environmental. 

What to Do If You’re Approached/Attacked by Wasps

– When approached by a wasp, keep calm and move slowly away.

– If you have to escape, leave in a straight line, be as quiet as possible, and try not to wave your arms.

– Do the best you can to protect your head and face. These areas are a frequent target of wasps.

What NOT to Do

When attacked by wasps, NEVER:

– Swat wasps or swing your arms, which makes wasps more aggressive.

– “Play dead” (wasps will just keep stinging).

– Use water for shelter (wasps will simply attack when you reemerge).

Ways to Reduce the Likelihood of Wasp Attack

– Keep your yard neat and clean.

– Keep food and drinks carefully contained/covered, especially sugary drinks.

– Wash your hands (and your kids’) free of sugars before going outside.

– Check for wasp activity before gardening, especially around fruit and sweet-smelling flowers, where wasps frequent. 

– Wear closed-toed shoes.

– Avoid wearing bright clothes and strong scents.

– Never approach or attempt to remove a wasp nest yourself.

Don’t get carried away. Deal with wasps quickly, avoiding large infestations and dangerous situations. Contact the NJ pest control pros at Stern Environmental today.

What Property Managers Need to Know About German Yellow Jackets

What to Know About Yellow Jacket Wasps
What to Know About Yellow Jacket Wasps

Property managers have numerous responsibilities. If you’re a property manager, chances are you have a wide variety of tasks to complete on a daily basis. Unfortunately, German Yellow Jackets have no sympathy for your schedule and interrupt without the slightest provocation.

Rather than adding another burden to your overloaded shoulders, our Stern Environmental NJ Pest Control team helps you stay on task and takes German Yellow Jackets off your uninvited guest list!

Why Yellow Jackets Make Lousy House Guests

First of all, German Yellow Jackets don’t allow blocked entrances or closed doors to stop them from getting to a hive. They’ll eat through interior walls and invade other rooms to achieve their purpose. Blocked entries only encourage their resourcefulness. Likewise, sprayed insecticides are no deterrent because they will then seek another route.

Also, like guests that tend to overstay their welcome these uninvited pests don’t respond well to criticism. They’ll pursue their confronters for long distances when they feel their hive has been threatened.

Yellow jackets love to occupy homes that have been “lived-in” before. Previous nesting places for hives are open invitations for German Yellow Jackets. They like reinhabiting so they can focus more on colonizing – often in the thousands!

Stern Environmental’s NJ Pest Control Gets Pests to Buzz Off

Finally, you’ll be able to tackle your normal “to-do” list by enlisting Stern’s NJ Pest Control experts! Click here and find out more!

Some Bees Build Nests Underground – What to Know

Some Bees Build Nests Underground - What to Know
Some Bees Build Nests Underground – What to Know

For many people, the idea of nesting bees usually brings to mind a vision of a beehive with resident bees buzzing in, out, and around the opening. This is true of some, but other bee species prefer the ground to set up their nests.

Signs of Ground Nesting

One prolific species found in the midwestern and northeastern portions of North America is Colletes. This busy bee is a loner, meaning the female takes care of constructing her nest. While she is considered to be solitary, it is not uncommon for a multitude of females to build their nests’ side by side.

In this case, you may find small mounds of soil or sand with a hole in the middle where the female lays her eggs. Depending on the landscape, the nests may be visible.

The Handling of Bees

Not all bees can sting. For example, the male Colletes inaequalis does not have a stinger, and the female uses her stinger only if being attacked.

Bees serve an important ecological service in providing pollination for fruit, trees, and flowers. Therefore, using chemicals to eliminate them is not always the best option. NJ pest control specialists are aware of this and take precaution when removing bees from a property.

For information about bee removal, the type of services we provide, and an inspection, contact Stern Environmental. Our NJ pest control experts handle problems quickly, efficiently, and safely.