Cooler weather is on its way, so this is the time that most people expect a decline in nuisance insects. However, yellow jackets are one exception to this rule. During the fall, these pests become more aggressive and much more likely to sting, making this the ideal time for the preemptive removal of yellow jacket nests.
Why Does Your NJ exterminator Recommend Fall Yellow Jacket Nest Removal?
At Stern Environmental, we recommend yellow jacket nest removal in the fall for a number of reasons.
• More Wasps
Yellow jacket nests are larger at the end of the summer/early fall.
• More Aggression
Wasps become more aggressive as food sources decline with cooler weather, often stinging without provocation.
• More Danger
Large numbers and increased aggression make fall a dangerous time for stings, particularly for allergic individuals, as yellow jackets can sting multiple times.
Nest in the Wall? Immediate Removal Prevents Wasps from Infiltrating Your Home
Nests in wall voids are difficult to remove. However, it’s highly recommended to remove these before it’s too late. Otherwise, large numbers of yellow jacket wasps could find their way into your home, delivering a nasty surprise.
Yellow jacket removal is not a DIY endeavor. Control yellow jackets safely with the help of your local NJ exterminator. Contact Stern Environmental to learn more about our professional wasp removal services today.