Tag Archives: Wasps

It’s Fall – Time to Remove Yellow Jacket Hives and Wasp Nests

Mild Winters Are Causing Super Wasp Nests -- Get Them Removed Today!
Mild Winters Are Causing Super Wasp Nests — Get Them Removed Today!

Cooler weather is on its way, so this is the time that most people expect a decline in nuisance insects. However, yellow jackets are one exception to this rule. During the fall, these pests become more aggressive and much more likely to sting, making this the ideal time for the preemptive removal of yellow jacket nests.

Why Does Your NJ exterminator Recommend Fall Yellow Jacket Nest Removal?

At Stern Environmental, we recommend yellow jacket nest removal in the fall for a number of reasons.

• More Wasps

Yellow jacket nests are larger at the end of the summer/early fall.

• More Aggression

Wasps become more aggressive as food sources decline with cooler weather, often stinging without provocation.

• More Danger

Large numbers and increased aggression make fall a dangerous time for stings, particularly for allergic individuals, as yellow jackets can sting multiple times.

Nest in the Wall? Immediate Removal Prevents Wasps from Infiltrating Your Home

Nests in wall voids are difficult to remove. However, it’s highly recommended to remove these before it’s too late. Otherwise, large numbers of yellow jacket wasps could find their way into your home, delivering a nasty surprise.

Yellow jacket removal is not a DIY endeavor. Control yellow jackets safely with the help of your local NJ exterminator. Contact Stern Environmental to learn more about our professional wasp removal services today. 

The Do’s and Don’ts of What to Do When In Vicinity of a Wasp

How to Deal With Living With Wasps as Neighbors
How to Deal With Living With Wasps as Neighbors

Surrounded by wasps in your yard? Don’t panic. There are ways to safeguard yourself and reduce the severity of a wasp attack. Learn the do’s and don’ts of dealing with wasps from the NJ pest control experts at Stern Environmental. 

What to Do If You’re Approached/Attacked by Wasps

– When approached by a wasp, keep calm and move slowly away.

– If you have to escape, leave in a straight line, be as quiet as possible, and try not to wave your arms.

– Do the best you can to protect your head and face. These areas are a frequent target of wasps.

What NOT to Do

When attacked by wasps, NEVER:

– Swat wasps or swing your arms, which makes wasps more aggressive.

– “Play dead” (wasps will just keep stinging).

– Use water for shelter (wasps will simply attack when you reemerge).

Ways to Reduce the Likelihood of Wasp Attack

– Keep your yard neat and clean.

– Keep food and drinks carefully contained/covered, especially sugary drinks.

– Wash your hands (and your kids’) free of sugars before going outside.

– Check for wasp activity before gardening, especially around fruit and sweet-smelling flowers, where wasps frequent. 

– Wear closed-toed shoes.

– Avoid wearing bright clothes and strong scents.

– Never approach or attempt to remove a wasp nest yourself.

Don’t get carried away. Deal with wasps quickly, avoiding large infestations and dangerous situations. Contact the NJ pest control pros at Stern Environmental today.

How do Hornets Differ from Wasps?

How do Hornets Differ from Wasps?
How do Hornets Differ from Wasps?

You’re outdoors enjoying the clear skies, brilliant sunshine, and comfortable temperatures poking your garden or maybe you’re trimming tree branches or bushes and out of nowhere, an aerial assault leaves you with a painful sting or multiple stings.

You look around for the out-of-control pilot and realize you’ve happened upon a wasp or hornet’s nest and they’re reacting with pinpoint precision.

Wasps vs Hornets

Wasps are most aggressive when provoked. This is usually if you’ve interfered with a nesting spot. Removal of their nests is best left to the services of a wasp abatement professional for this reason. The nests may be clearly visible hanging from the eaves of a home giving you ample opportunity to steer clear, but if they’re hidden behind the siding, you can find yourself in a hurtful predicament when doing any type of outdoor home improvement project.

Hornets, on the other hand, are aggressive without any particular provocation and they’ll do it repeatedly. For many, the stings of both the wasp and the hornet can cause an allergic reaction known as anaphylaxis, which, if not treated, can result in a deadly outcome. An estimated 1,500 people die annually due to anaphylactic reactions.

While you may think it’s safe to handle the situation on your own, you have no idea how many stinging pests you may be faced with. For the proper help with wasp abatement, contact the experts at Stern.

They Call Them “Velvet Ants” But They’re Really Wasps

Ant or Wasp?
Ant or Wasp?

Don’t let the name “Velvet Ants” fool you. While they may have some of the characteristics of an ant in color and size, in actuality, they belong to the Mutillidae (wasp) family.

About Velvet Ants

The female is especially ant-like due to her velvety exterior, which has a furry texture. Most are black or brown, like ants, and may be marked with red, orange, or yellow rings. While females are wingless, males do have wings and look more like wasps. Other species are known for their excruciating sting and some are capable of making a squeaking sound.

Studies on velvet ants show the insects are prone to attacking flies and beetles. Females spend much of their time hunting wasps and bees in their ground nests where she’ll lay eggs inside wasp or bee pupa. When the young wasps hatch, they feed on the pupa. Velvet ants produce young once a year.

Their stings are very painful and may cause a rash or an allergic reaction.

Velvet ants are difficult to control, especially if attempting to do it on your own. For the best results in NJ wasp abatement, you need a professional pest control service.

NJ wasp abatement is one of the services we handle at Stern Environmental Group. If you’re experiencing problems with velvet ants, let our experienced staff take care of the problem safely. Call us today to schedule a free home inspection.

Tips to Preventing Customer Bee and Wasp Stings on Your Restaurant’s Patio

Identifying Hornets and Their Nests Can Help Reduce Stings.
Identifying Hornets and Their Nests Can Help Reduce Stings.

NJ restaurant bee and wasp abatement is a critical step in keeping your customers sting free. While patrons dining in the restaurant’s patio area might like a little “bite” to their meal, there’s no doubt they’d rather it be in their food than on their bodies.

Types of Stinging Pests

The following are known problem makers due to their attraction to nearby nesting places (eaves, trees) and accessibility to food, fragrances, bright colors, and proteins.

  • Honeybees
  • Bumblebees
  • Paper Wasps
  • Yellowjackets
  • Hornets

Single Stings versus Multiple Stings

Whether a customer is stung once by a honeybee or multiple times by a single aggressive wasp, it causes pain to the victim. In the case of those who are allergic to bee stings, it can be a fatal situation if an antitoxin isn’t administered within minutes of the incident. For restaurateurs with outside dining, the possibility of this type of situation should be avoided at all costs.

Bees and wasps usually stick to themselves, but if provoked, or their hunt for food takes them to your customers, stings may be part of your diner’s menu. Avoid attempting removal of hives or honeycombs yourself. Leave that to the professionals.

If you’re in need of NJ restaurant bee and wasp abatement service, Stern Environmental has the personnel and equipment to keep the buzz at bay. Give us a call if you have any questions or to schedule an appointment.